Wetherd Moto Cross Photo Shoot

Wethered-Motocross Track, Sunday 9th January 2011.

One incredibly HOT and Scorching Sunday , the boys (and girls) got together and headed to the Wethered-MX Track (between Christmas Rock and Kidds beach).  The owner Shane Rutherford invited me to come and check out what the track was all about and of course  I was stoked to be given and chance to  capture some great shots.

During the course of the day,  Shane,  his girlfriend (Shannon King) and the rest of the guys warmed up  on the track and practiced some of their outrageous and  extreme jumps. Due to the previous rains the week before the +- 2,5 KM  track was altered and the jumps were heightened, therefore creating some spectacular shots, which can be viewed in the gallery below.

The warming-up  continued into the late afternoon and I waited for the early evening to set in so that the lighting would be greatly improved, before I started photographing the action. Thus enabling me to capture some incredible shots.

It was a great experience and something that is an awesome alternative for East London adrenalin junkies to enjoy, whether they too are riding  the track or as an unusual and entertaining way for a family to spend  a weekend .

Big thanks goes out to Rockstar Energy Drink, for energising us all at the track!

And of course a thank you to Blake Walker and Janine Mitchell for assisting me with the shoot.