It was the 14th February 2018 and it was Valentines Day!
Lauren Brink & Dallas Sabbagh had just won our 2018 JEAN PAUL PHOTOGRAPHY VALENTINES COMPETITION!!!
Clearly excited by the news, this ‘in love’ couple wasted no time in booking their winnings of themed / location photo shoot!
Due to our chock-a-bloc schedule, the shoot did not take place straight away, but this didn’t stop the careful planning from taking place.
We decided on two separate themes. The first one being a ‘playful young couple in love’ and the other being a ‘romantic, vintage traveling couple.’
As we decided on the sunset and twilight for the ‘playful couple’ we opted to shoot the slightly more dramatic ‘vintage couple’ first. See This Article and learn more.
Lauren & Dallas wasted NO time getting into character and we all had many laughs as we played dress-up, smoked fake cigars and ran after the moving trains!

Valentines Shoot with JEAN PAUL PHOTOGRAPHY

Valentines Shoot with JEAN PAUL PHOTOGRAPHY

Valentines Shoot with JEAN PAUL PHOTOGRAPHY

Valentines Shoot with JEAN PAUL PHOTOGRAPHY

Valentines Shoot with JEAN PAUL PHOTOGRAPHY
As the sun began to set (really quickly!) we all rushed over to the long grass which would be a perfect setting for our ‘playful young couple in love’ shoot.
After a quick wardrobe change we on our way to producing these soft and tranquil scenes that we had planned and hoped for.

Valentines Shoot with JEAN PAUL PHOTOGRAPHY

Valentines Shoot with JEAN PAUL PHOTOGRAPHY

Valentines Shoot with JEAN PAUL PHOTOGRAPHY

Valentines Shoot with JEAN PAUL PHOTOGRAPHY

Valentines Shoot with JEAN PAUL PHOTOGRAPHY

Valentines Shoot with JEAN PAUL PHOTOGRAPHY
We could not have asked for more and this warm and windless evening was ideal in every way.
Well done to everyone involved!
A special thanks go out to my partner and wife, Gabriela Veaudry for planning the themes and organising and supplying the props!